Figure \ref{Fig.main} has two sub figures, fig. \ref{Fig.sub.1} is the travel demand of driving auto, and fig. \ref{Fig.sub.2} is the travel demand of park-and-ride.
\centering %图片全局居中
\caption{Main name}
\usepackage[]{caption2} %新增调用的宏包
\renewcommand{\figurename}{Fig.} %重定义编号前缀词
\renewcommand{\captionlabeldelim}{.~} %重定义分隔符
\makeatletter \renewcommand{\@thesubfigure}{\thesubfigure \space}%子图编号与名称的间隔设置
\renewcommand{\p@subfigure}{} \makeatother
Figure \ref{Fig.main} has two sub-figures, fig. \ref{Fig.main}\ref{Fig.sub.1} is the travel demand of driving auto, and fig. \ref{Fig.main}\ref{Fig.sub.2} is the travel demand of park-and-ride.
\centering %图片全局居中
\caption{Main name}
\usepackage{enumerate} %列举宏包
% 无编号,但公式符号可以对齐的做法,example1
\setlength{\leftmargin}{2em} %左边界
\setlength{\parsep}{0ex} %段落间距
\setlength{\topsep}{0ex} %列表到上下文的垂直距离
\setlength{\itemsep}{0ex} %条目间距
\setlength{\labelsep}{1em} %标号和列表项之间的距离,默认0.5em
\setlength{\itemindent}{0em} %标签缩进量
\setlength{\listparindent}{0em} %段落缩进量
\item [ $c_1$] the constant travel time of driving (auto), unit: minutes per time;
\item [$c_2$] the constant travel time of taking MRT, unit: minutes per time;
\item [$\tau_1$] the unit fixed cost of driving for a traveler, unit: yuan per person per time;
\item [$\tau_2$] one-way fare of MRT for a traveler, unit: yuan per person per time;
\item [$\varsigma_1$] the unit operation cost of highway for the traffic manager, unit: yuan per person per time;
%有编号的一般做法, example2
With numbers as below in example1:
\item document style
\item baselineskip
\item front matter
\item keywords and MSC codes
\item theorems, definitions and proofs
\item lables of enumerations
\item citation style and labeling.
%有编号的一般做法,example 3
With numbers as below in example2:
\item Group the authors per affiliation.
\item Use footnotes to indicate the affiliations.